Bikin Spanduk dengan Corel Draw X4

1. Buka Corel Drawnyaa. Buat new file.

2. Atur ukurannya jadi 4m x 1m seperti ini..

3. Drag 2 gambar yang diinginkaan. Usahakan ukurannya besar supaya nggak pecah-pecah gambarnya. Terus diatur tumpang tindih begini..
4. Kemudiaaan hasilnya jadi seperti ini..

5. Setelah itu, pilih interactive transparency tool. Atur supaya gambar yang di atas (di depan) jadi transparan dan kelihatan menyatu dengan gambar di bawah.

6. Lalu, biar kelihatan temanya apa, kasih tulisan. Contohnya seperti ini, LOL


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3D Words on Corel Draw

So, I was learning this Corel Draw. #whothehellcares

I wanna share how to make 3D text using Corel Draw. 

The very first thing, you should make a new blank file.

And then, type any text or words you wanted. Here, I typed "BELAJAR GRAFIS". Type it using text tool.

After that, click on interactive extrude tool. It's something like this.

Click and drag your mouse along from the text to the direction you wanted too. For example, mine. I drag it to the right top corner direction. 

After that you can change the color of the shade back there at the top of your paper work. Like this.

Sooo, yeah.. This is my 3D text.

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